Vocational Rehabilitation Services
A Vocational Specialist is familiar with the labour market; employment income projections; as well as the prerequisite skills, training and experience required to qualify towards any identified and targeted occupations.
The Vocational Specialist evaluates the person’s abilities, interests, education, experience and other qualifications in consideration of the current employment market. They assess the likelihood that a person can secure employment, and what she/he can expect to earn, both immediately and in the long term.
In a divorce proceeding, information and evaluations from a vocational expert can be presented to the Court for consideration in determining spousal and child support payments.
Four important reasons to consider a Vocational Specialist:
- To provide another opinion if your client’s spouse is retaining a vocational expert, or if a vocational evaluation is Court-ordered.
- To evaluate employability or earning capacity after a change in life circumstances.
- To obtain an objective, professional assessment of your Client’s and/ or your Client’s spouse’s earning potential.
- To obtain a realistic idea of your Client’s employability and earning potential.
Allan Mills

Mr. Mills graduated with a Master of Education (counselling) from the University of Western Ontario in 1996. Since that time he has worked as a Psychometrist and a Vocational Evaluator specializing in Vocational and Psychovocational assessments. Allan is a member of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Ontario and is a Registered Rehabilitation Professional under the same designation. He is a member in good standing with the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professional with this association. His employment has been with private disability management companies working with WSIB, LTD and auto and CPP legislation since 1996. Allan has testified as an expert witness with the Ontario Superior Court.
Danielle Randall

Ms. Randall, is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor. She has over 15 years of experience in the area of Vocational Rehabilitation. She has qualified by a Justice of the Superior Court of Canada at trial to provide expert opinion in vocational rehabilitation. Danielle has extensive experience conducting vocational assessments and counselling involving review of medical and documentation, interview and tests to determine clients’ aptitudes, interests and transferable skills as well as labour market research and recommendations related to community resources.