Our Services

Disability Services

As individuals are ready to return to work, DMARehability can assist you in the implementation of early and safe return to works and the determination of suitable positions, accommodations, and Transitional Work Programs. Continued assessment of goals and accountability of all parties involved is monitored to ensure intervention is progressive. Timely involvement is essential to maintaining the social standing of the employee and minimizing injury-related impact and costs.

Utilization of our medical and/or vocational specialists for difficult Return to Work Programs has proven beneficial. The DMARehability professional will meet with the treating physician and or treatment providers to present a Return to Work Program that will address the medical and functional status on the individual.

At DMARehability our trained and experienced job coaches are instrumental in providing one to one support for individuals returning to work when barriers have been identified. Taking direction from a treating therapist the job coach will provide cues for any physical, cognitive or emotional strategy that has been determined. They will document productivity levels and acknowledge and support gains being achieved. There is documented statistical literature to support the increased services of Return to Work Programs when a job coach has been involved.

As soon as an employee goes off work, we can help. The focus of our intervention is the earlier the intervention the more likely the return to work. We immediately evaluate all absences and set in motion the important assistance to minimize the impact of absences on the individual and the organization. The program empowers employees to seek proactive return to work focused treatments. We work closely with the employee, the treating practitioners and the employer to ensure the right care resulting in the right outcome. We use pro-active, positive interactions to facilitate the resolution of absences before they become a long term disability.

The ARCON Functional Capacity Evaluation System has become the world leader in lifting capacity evaluation with over 600 systems in use world wide.  This system combines static and dynamic testing to accurately assess the ability of an individual to perform the essential functions related to the work environment.  The goal is for each patient to be tested in an objective manner and to provide you with reliable data for use in determining treatment, therapy, or return-to-work status.  This information will be provided to you in a comprehensive report format that provides for easy interpretation.

ARCON testing protocols are supported by peer reviewed published studies to insure supportable data for use in all applications and to provide a standardized testing platform.

The ARCON system is unsurpassed in its ability to simulate job demands, from measuring functional capacity to organizing a program for return to work.  ARCON takes the guesswork out of testing with complete documentation.

Ergonomics is the multidisciplinary scientific study of the relationship between man and the work environment. The aim of ergonomics is to create an effective workplace and to help prevent work-related health problems through proper workstation and job design. The workplace contains the tools, equipment and workstations required to perform a job. Problems arise when workers have to adapt to poor workplace and job design. The science of ergonomics involves designing the tasks to accommodate the worker rather than having the worker make adjustments to complete the task.
A FRP is appropriate when an individual has been diagnosed with a chronic condition and/or has been away from the workplace for an extended period of time. Our Disability Managers work with the individual implementing various strategies focused on a graduated increase of abilities through volunteer based programs and community work placements with the goal of independence and a return to work.

The goal to objectively assess and measure the tasks, physical demands and skills necessary for job performance. Among the tools frequently utilized to objectively measure physical demands are the Chatillon push/pull gauge, JAMAR dynamometer and weigh scales. These tools are calibrated regularly to ensure accuracy. A PDA identifies and describes the physical movements involved in performing the duties of a job. PDA’s are also used to identify potential hazards and risk factors as well as modified or transitional work. Providing the treating health professional with the demands of an injured workers job or alternate work demands, will assist in implementing timely return to work programs.

We have the expertise and skills to provide a third party objective view in dealing with a variety of conflicts that may arise in the work place environment. We may be asked to become involved as early as the design phase of policies and procedures, to an isolated situation reflecting a specific return to work program.

An assessment of health and safety reports, injury by body part, injury by work area, absenteeism trends, employee turnover, and worker complaints to identify problem areas and to enable cost effective prevention solutions to be implemented.

The management of absenteeism following the implementation of policies and procedures is an essential component to success for the worker and employer. DMARehability has the capability to establish the process and manage the implementation.

Educating employees on proper workstation design, posture and work habits is essential in preventing injuries. It will make individual employees aware of correct work habits and postures and provide them with information to make appropriate changes to their own workstation.

To provide employees with the education and strategies to successfully sustain their ability to work DMARehability can develop various programs to fit individual employer needs and company culture. Components of Wellness Programming may include: exercise programming, nutrition, stress management, substance abuse, anger management, and general wellness.

To assist you in meeting your requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, our team of Ergonomists are equipped to assess the safety, design and set up of your employees work stations who are working from home based or satellite offices.

Vocational Services

Utilization of computer based programs including RAVE and Profiles, allows our vocational specialists to identify appropriate vocational alternatives. A personal interview or review of the individual’s physical abilities, acquired skill base and personal characteristics are essential components. This extensive report also includes National Occupational Classifications (NOC) job descriptions, physical requirements and wage databased on OIC Wage Tables or local wage data for the primary related occupations.

Our clinical psychologist and vocational specialist work as a team to provide a comprehensive and objective assessment. A battery of tests to identify an individuals interests, aptitudes, achievement, learning potential and personality profile are utilized. Our report includes a transferable skills component with realistic vocational options.

Working directly with our corporate partners and the client, our specialists develop individualized work site programs with predisability or alternate employers. Through group or individual involvement we provide; resume preparation, job search counselling, and identification of employment barriers, telephone and mock interviews and additional skills to uncover the hidden job market.

Our Satisfied Customers Include:

Law Firms
Property & Casualty Insurers
Long Term Disability Insurers
Independent Adjusters
Private Corporations and Employers
Provincial and Federal Government

Non Profit Organizations
Rehabilitation Firms
Rehabilitation Clinics

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