Life Care Plans & Future Care Cost Reports
As noted by (Deutsch & Raffa 1981), the FCC Report is a consistent methodology for analyzing all of the needs dictated by the onset of a catastrophic disability through to the end of life expectancy. The Life Care Planner does not work in isolation. It is important that all medical and rehabilitation documents are provided for review. The Life Care Planner will work closely with all members of the Rehabilitation Team to determine recommendations. The FCC Report is a valuable tool in the rehabilitation process. It will provide a consistent process for analyzing the immediate and lifelong needs of individual’s catastrophically, severely brain injured, spinal cord injured, mentally and /or behaviourally challenged.
Our Comprehensive Report Includes:
- Level of Attendant Care required
- Professionals required to meet appropriate care support
- Medications & Supplies
- Home Maintenance / Housekeeping
- Vehicle modifications &/or transportation needs
- Social-recreational interests & support required
- Vocational/volunteer interests, training & support needs
- Life Expectancy
- Affiliated Costs
- Housing Modifications & Furnishings
- To address the most appropriate services required by the injured person
- To identify the best use of Attendance Care Providers & Rehabilitation Support Workers
- To provide clarity regarding the level of support required
- To assist with or to provide full care
- To predict & quantify the future financial needs
Our Team:
- Corrie Asberg, B.A. RRP,CCLP
- Joyce Sharp, BHScOT, Reg (ONT), CCLP
- Kelly Farrell, BHScOT,Reg (ONT), CCLP
- Krista Cole, MScOT, OT Reg (ONT), CCLP
- Marla Le, BKin, MScOT,Reg (ONT), CCLP
- Kess Singh Leach, BA, MCISc(OT), OT Reg. (Ont), CCLCP